Welcome to TGT - FB Insider

All the insider services they don't want you to know about|

Project 1

Facebook Ads Manager Spying

Spy on your competitors so you don't waste money testing.


Project 2

Check Shadow Banned/Flagged Assets

We'll check if you're shadow banned. If you're curious.


Project 3

Assets Unban: BM, Page, Profile, Ad Acc

We both know they won't unban you, but we will...


Project 4

BM with 2500 Ad Accounts

A BM is nice, but one with 2500 Ad Accounts is nicer ;)


Project 5

Credit Line Approval

Let's get that huge credit line approved for you shall we?


Project 6

Refund on Hacked Spend

Being hacked sucks, let's fix that.

35% fee

Project 7

Google Ad Grant

You'll get a Google Ad Account with $10k/month in free credits.


Project 8

E-mailer Human_Bot

They act like humans so they never get sent to the SPAM folder.
